


"Working together for a free Cuba"




MCUD promotes in Washington the next Assembly to promote Civil Society in Cuba

From left to right. Senator Trent Lott and eng. César L. Alarcón

Washington D.C. January 18, 2005. Fulfilling its agenda of international work the Cuban Movement for a Unified Democratic represented by its president Eng. César L. Alarcón visited the capital and met with several political personalities of the Government and the Senate of the United States of America in search of support and recognition for the Assembly to promote Civil Society in Cuba.

Eng. Alarcón began with a warm encounter with the Former Senate Majority Leader Senator Trent Lott. During the meeting Eng. Alarcón detailed to the leader of the American Senate the great and decisive steps of advancement that our brave pacifist opponents are gaining within Cuba, and the difficulties that they face.

They discussed the activities and works that our valiant exile is making. The exile that wants total freedom for Cuba, that does not yield nor will yield until a new and true democracy is in place in our island.

Eng. Alarcón expressed to Senator Lott and his office manager that from within our island an important call has gone out to all Cubans to participate, coinciding with another anniversary of our Republic on May 20th 2005, in the Assembly to promote the Civil Society in Cuba. This initiative promoted by our brave compatriots, Martha Beatriz Roque, René Gómez Manzano and Felix Bonne Carcassés is an initiative that opens the doors for different competing factions, which are looking for pockets of freedom in the island, to find ways to work jointly towards solutions to the Cuban issues.

Senator Trent Lott recognized the importance of the event, agreed to receive all pertinent information to contribute with his support to the success of this Congress.

Alarcón also spoke with the Chairman of U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Richard Lugar to whom he explained the desires of the Assembly to promote the Civil Society in Cuba and agreed to deliver the necessary documentation so that this Congress of our opposition can receive all the necessary support on behalf of the personalities and politicians who support the cause of freedom for Cuba.

Closing the work itinerary Eng. Alarcón, briefly spoke with the National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, to whom he requested a formal meeting in the near future to discuss subjects related to the freedom of Cuba, and to ask for her support, from her new position as Secretary of State in functions for our Assembly to promote the Civil Society in Cuba.